Saturday, September 11, 2010

Big thanks to Emma and Niall for such a great day out yesterday. You know, I'm not complaining but give me a nice overcast day any day (as was yesterday). Being an army wedding - well that's a big plus to start out with. Guys - you were a pleasure to work with and can't wait to sit down and do your preview ! Enjoy St. Lucia !

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let the light do the talking - not the flash

Take a quick look at the following image taking from Caroline's recent wedding. Notice anything ? Got it in one - no heavy handed use of flash, in fact no flash at all.

Thanks to investing in "L Series" Canon lenses we can generate highly atmospheric images like this without resorting to flash which very often washes out the glory of the natural light.

All too often wedding photographers (experienced and in-experienced) over rely on flash, which is in itself not a natural light source. At worst you finish with awful shadow balloons behind the subject and at best a clinical image with no warmth.

Not so at Alchemy Photography - we celebrate natural light whenever we can use it.